
Photo of Gareth and Chloe from Prostate Cancer UK in a podcasting studio
Photo of Gareth and Chloe from Prostate Cancer UK in a podcasting studio

Our podcast pilot!

So many of you are asking for real life examples of teams, organisations and leaders in the charity sector who are working differently to deliver more impact.  So, we are piloting a podcast to give you just that.

If you are causing good trouble inside your organisation – challenging those around you to be more innovative, adaptable and truly audience led, then this is for you. You’ll hear the highs and lows, the step by step, the challenges, outcomes and learnings. We hope you’ll leave inspired, with fresh ideas and examples to take back to your organisation.

1: How I embedded agile ways of working in my research team

with Dr Jami Dixon from UnLtd.

At UnLtd (the foundation for social entrepreneurs) Jami led a team of researchers tasked with maximising the organisation’s impact and learning.
She led them to use more agile ways of working to enable them to become“to be a star team not just a team of stars”. They became more collaborative, autonomous and motivated, which allowed them to adapt quickly to Covid.

Jami shares how she got her team on board and how the team shifted meeting structures to suit their work. She also recommends tools to use, and we discuss the challenges of being one of the only teams in her organisation working in an agile way. Her parting thought:“if it feels a bit uncomfortable then you’re on the right path”.

2: Agile in international development?

with Roxanne Hargreaves from Reseed.

Roxanne first experienced agile ways of working when she took an unexpected career step into a tech consultancy. She loved what she saw and set about exploring how agile might help on the ground in international development. She is now applying what she learned at her startup agile charity Reseed.

Roxanne shares how donors, programme managers and those on the ground in the NGO sector can foster a more agile, user-centered and adaptable approach to delivering impact.

Her favourite piece of advice for overcoming the perceived risk of trialing a different approach to work is “show how working differently will directly, positively help you to achieve the outcomes your organisation has committed to achieving. It’s very difficult for someone to say no to that!”

3: Becoming ‘an agile organisation’

with Chloe Butler and Gareth Ellis-Thomas from Prostate Cancer UK.

In 2018 Gareth and Chloe from Prostate Cancer UK were involved in using agile ways of working to increase the income of March the Month virtual fundraising product from £30k in 2017 to £100k with no additional spend. We chat to them about how they used this to spark organisation-wide agile transformation.

As of now, teams right across the charity – from the communications to finance to research – are now exploring how the agile principles can help achieve their goals. Gareth and Chloe share the steps they took, how they got buy in, the successes they’ve had including the prostate cancer risk checker, the challenges they have faced and the advice they wish they’d had. 

You can download a transcript of this episode here. We are working on transcripts for the other episodes and our content more widely and hope to have these available soon. In the meantime, any feedback and comments on this transcript are gratefully received, please send them to julia@teamtilt.co.uk.

What do you think?

We are building up this collection of audio conversations time. If there’s enough interest then we will launch a pilot podcast series.  We would love to know which episodes you tried and what you thought. What would you like to hear more about? Let us know.